Previous Focus Days

Focus Day April 2019

Topics Covered:

  • 18-19 LUDF Farm and Financial Performance
  • The Hidden Costs of Feeding
  • Low Footprint Farming, Impact on Profit
Handout from the day

Focus Day February 2019

Topics Covered

  • Attracting and Retaining the Best Quality People in the Dairy Industry
  • Passing Your Environmental Audit With Flying Colours
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • LUDF On-Farm Update
View event

Open Farm Walk Day October 2018

Open Farm Walk in lieu of LUDF October Focus Day

Topics Covered

  • LUDF season to date
  • Spring Management After a High Growth Winter
  • 39% Ahead of Last Season's Production to-date
  • This Season's Mating Plan: No Bulls
Handout from the day

Focus Day May 2018

Transforming effluent management:

Hear about an emerging new technology that looks to reduce effluent storage requirements, fresh water use, and environmental & safety risks linked to farm dairy effluent.

As well as the end of season scorecard: Production, profit, InCalf results, calving spread, N-Loss and GHG emissions.

Handout from the day

Focus Day February 2018

Topics Covered

  • Forages for Reduces Nitrate Leaching
  • Winter crops and standoff areas
  • Plantain dominant pasture
  • Eating >18,000 kgDM/ha
  • Future cuse of dry cow products
  • LUDF seasonal update
Handout from the day

Focus Day October 2017

Topics Covered:

  • Farm Biosecurity - What are the real risks?
  • Outcome of the wet winter
  • Season to date farm performance
  • Controlling expenses per kgMS
  • Mating plans - Planned changes this season
Handout from the day