
Peter Hancox

Farm Manager

Peter has been the Farm Manager of LUDF for 15+ years and keeps the farm running smoothly and profitably, regardless of what challenges occur throughout each season.

His expertise and knowledge of the property is a testament to the success achieved on the farm.

Every week during the season, Peter hosts a Farm Walk (see details on the website) when he provides an update on the farm with plenty of opportunities for attendees to ask questions. If you are interested in catching up with him about what has recently been happening on the farm, text him (number below) to secure your place.
027 440 9285

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Antoinette Archer

Partner & Demonstration Lead

Antoinette has a strong foundation in agribusiness banking, coaching and practical farm management and has supported farmers with on-farm biosecurity, led capital projects, while having a focus on science extension and connecting emerging science with farmers and commercial partners. Leveraging from her diverse background and skill set, Antoinette has built strong relationships and networks, allowing her to navigate industry challenges, enabling collaboration to develop practical, farmer ready solutions, which are the pillars of SIDDC/LUDF.

Antoinette looks forward to further connecting farmers, industry and the wider community with science and technology that demonstrates tomorrow’s science today.
027 272 4069


Patricio Ortega

Assistant Farm Manager

Patricio, originally from Chile, came to New Zealand 12 years ago for farming opportunities, he has previously been working in Southland on a 1200 cow farm, starting as a Farm Assistant and progressing through to Farm Manager.

Patricio enjoys working with cows and being outside in the elements, dealing with the challenges of harvesting good pasture to ensure he gets the best from the herd. He sees LUDF as offering another challenge in his career as a farmer, where he can share his working experiences and to gain and learn new and innovative ways of farming.

He says farming provides him with a good work-life balance, giving him the opportunity to spend quality time with his family as well as enjoying other pursuits that he loves. This, along with seeing the cows full and happy grazing in the paddocks with the Southern Alps as a backdrop, where else would one wish to be!


Georgia Berg

Farm Assistant

Georgia is in her third season working at LUDF. Georgia grew up in Australia and has a History and English major. She finds LUDF and the farm team really supportive and is enjoying the 10 in 7 milking roster.

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Ievgenii Syvachenko

Farm Assistant

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Lincoln University

Founded in 1878, Lincoln University is the oldest agricultural teaching institution in the Southern Hemisphere and has situated itself as a global leader in the field of agricultural and environmental research and education. The University is acclaimed in New Zealand and beyond as the tertiary education institution most able to contribute to the creation of sustainable benefit from the utilization of the country's natural resources.

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DairyNZ is the industry organisation that represents all New Zealand dairy farmers. We invest in practical on-farm tools, research, resources, support and advocacy

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An agricultural co-operative helping enable smarter farming for a better New Zealand. Providing products, expertise and technology to help farmers reduce environmental impacts, optimise value from the land and command a premium on the world stage.

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A farmer owned co-operative, Livestock Improvement Corporation is renowned for excellence in genetics, information, and advice. Its mission is to lead the world with genetics and knowledge to create wealth for pastoral dairy farmers, and pastoral leadership in livestock solutions. Its vision is to be an essential partner on farm.

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New Zealand's largest Crown Research Institute, AgResearch's purpose is to enhance the value, productivity and profitability of New Zealand's pastoral, agri-food and agri-technology sector value chains to contribute to economic growth and beneficial environmental and social outcomes for New Zealand.

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The number of dairy farm owners, sharemilkers, contract milkers, herd managers, and farm staff have increased rapidly in the South Island over the last few years. The South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) was established to address the different and diverse needs of these South Island dairy farmers.

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'Tomorrow’s farming – today'.

As it currently stands, dairy farming accounts for a significant portion of our country’s GDP. Our farmers’ work ethic and can-do attitude is ingrained in our culture, and it has placed New Zealand as leaders in agriculture on a global stage.

At Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF), our goal is to demonstrate the sustainable success of dairy, both now and into the future. Our commercial dairy farm gives farmers results and conclusions that are proven in the same environment faced by every farmer.

It’s our role to understand and implement the most forward-thinking concepts that could benefit our industry and guide New Zealand dairy towards a sustainable, successful future for all.

Our systems, operations and performance are shared openly so farms can benchmark us against their own results. We strive to deliver farm information and data in real time including the good, the bad and the ugly, to ensure farmers get a sense of what is happening on the property and how they can learn from this. Our plans and initiatives are also shared through focus days on behalf of the SIDDC partnership, reports and weekly farm walk notes that are accessible to anyone.

We hope the demonstration farm can provide you with a clear understanding of the Canterbury pasture based dairy system with funding from the SIDDC partnership.